WamWam Swag!

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Kitchen Table Games!

We at WamWamGames are committed to making fun, light-weight, “kitchen table” friendly games. From our flag ship game Turn for the Wurst, a rummy style hotdog game, to our upcoming projects Sharp Cheddar and Pick Me up, our games are easy to learn, fast to set up, and fun to play.

 Welcome to WAMWAM Games

The Indie developer bringing you fun and games from St Louis. Our Site is currently under development so please bear with us.


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Upcoming Games

Sharp Cheddar

Meet Sharp Cheddar - the speedy cheesy dice game sure to bring all to the table. Roll the dice, count the dots, and win the game, its that simple! WARNING may contain laughter, shouting, and strange looks from on-lookers.

Needle in a Hay Stack

A fun seek and find game for families. Take turns hiding and finding the needle while collecting farm animals. Rules designed to grow with the kids as they grow up.

Pick Me Up

A fast paced letter dice game for 1-6 players. No turns, no hesitation, claim the most points by making words as quickly as possible in the espresso themed family game!